Attention home orchardists and aspiring to be orchardists! Three of the best regional scionwood exchanges are happening in the next two weeks. They are sponsored by the always helpful and immensely knowledgeable folks from the Home Orchard Society. I am especially stoked about the Vern Nelson espalier lecture at the Milwaukie, OR event! These are great opportunities to find the material to start that dwarf Roxbury Russet you've been dreaming of, get advice from some of the foremost region experts, and spend a fun day hanging out with other fruits & nuts...I mean fruit & nut enthusiasts.
For the folks up North:
Fruit Variety Scionwood Exchange
Location: Room #1, Fed. Way 320th Library
Date: Saturday, Feb. 28th
Time: 10 AM—5 PM
Admission: FREE
Sponsored by Dave Johnson
Please bring your dormant scionwood of apple, pear, quince, medlar, fig, ribes, vitis, etc.
Please label your wood
Best to keep your scionwood slightly damp, 'damp newspaper is perfect, and a lot less messy than sawdust.
Ideal cutting, from 7-18 inches long for most plants.
Please, bring a few extra markers/plastic bags.
No pets please.
For more information contact David Johsnon - Royj157 at gmail dot com
Directions to the library
And for the Southerners:
Fruit Tree Grafting Class
Saturday, February 21st, in Clairmont room 118, Clackamas Community College.
9am - 10:20am Beginning
10:45am - 12:05pm Beginning
12:45pm - 2:05pm Intermediate
Beginning: Veteran grafters & members of the Home Orchard Society cover the basics of grafting, including hands-on experience with grafting your own fruit tree. You will receive an apple rootstock and your choice from several varieties of scion wood. Please bring a straight-edged knife.
Intermediate: This session will cover more advanced grafting methods, including: Cleft graft, Kerf graft, Bark graft, Side-Bark graft, Bark Inarching and invent your own.” Again, you will be provided with a rootstock and scion wood. Please bring your straight-edged knife.
All classes in Clairmont Hall, Clackamas Community College, $15 per session. Pre-registration is through Clackamas Community College, NOT the Home Orchard Society. Download a Registration Flyer Questions? Email or call 503-657-6958 x 2246
Fruit Propagation Fair
(Scion Exchange)
March 7, 2009
Alder Creek Middle School, Milwaukie, Oregon
10 A.M. to 4 P.M
HOS Members: $4/person, $8/family
Public: $6/person, $10/family
Become a member at the show and get in FREE!
What to Expect
* 100's of free fruit-tree scions.
* Rootstocks for apples, pears, Asian pears, and stone fruits for sale.
* Mason bees for sale.
* Custom grafting.
* Books and HOS publications.
* Free advice from HOS experts.
* Garden/orchard tools/American pruning saws sharpened, adjusted, and for sale.
* And much more!
This year, in conjunction with its Scion Exchange, The Home Orchard Society is presenting a program of speakers on a variety of topics.
11:30 - Caring for Your Newly Grafted Tree - Ted Swensen
12:45 - Fruit Tree Espalier in the Home Garden - Vern Nelson
Got Trees? We do! And you can too. By mixing and matching the scions (the part of the tree that determines the fruit) and rootstocks (the part of the tree that controls the size and characteristics of the tree), the possibilities are endless. Imagine exotic apples, peaches, pears, Asian pears and plums of various kinds, waiting for you to put them together to make your home orchard and garden a unique landscape.
Get guided hands-on grafting experience and expert advice from HOS members.
Scions are free. Rootstock is available for a nominal cost. If you have scion wood you want to share, please bring it!
What are you waiting for? Join us. If you have questions, contact Jerry Shroyer (503) 266-6745, or Ted Swensen (503) 293-1468
Held at Alder Creek Middle School (off Hwy 224, I-205 Exit 13)
13801 Webster Road Milwaukie, Oregon
Pickled Quail Eggs? Count Me In!
3 weeks ago
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