Attention canning and food preservation aficionados! Dust off that pressure canner and buy a few boxes of new lids for all of those jars you've been hiding in your garage!
Rosemattel's CSA Farm is offering a very cool twist on the standard CSA format. You order however many pounds of produce you think you can use for your canning project and Rosemattel's will grow it for you. What a sweet deal. And once you've checked out the list of produce and prices below, I think you'll be hard pressed to find a better deal.
Here's the produce list, prices and contact info for Rosemattel's:
Rosemattel's CSA is offering canning/food preservation shares for the summer and fall of 2009. Prepay for your veggies and we will grow it for you!Items we will be growing for this with pricing as follows:
Sauce/Paste/Drying Tomatoes 1.50 a pound
Cherry Tomatoes 2.50 a pound
Pickling Cucumbers 2.00 a pound for early varieties
" " 1.50 a pound for late summer harvest
Bell peppers 1.50 a pound
Hot peppers 5.00 a pound
small onions 2.00 a pound
Dill 5.00 a pound or 2.00 per harvested complete
Green and burgundy beans 2.00 a pound
Tomatilloes 1.00 a pound
Cilantro (ready in late summer/fall) 5.00 a pound or 3.00 /1.5 pounds
Other veggies available upon request, if you are able to put a deposit down. Prices on these will be negotiable.
call us at 360 576-9767 or email at
Pickled Quail Eggs? Count Me In!
3 weeks ago
Thanks Glenn for doing this, what a wonderful site!