Friday, June 27, 2008

A Cool Day in the Woodland Bottoms - by Jim & Diane Hunter

We thought it would be a freezing cold day in the deep, deep South before we would find ourselves on the same side of an issue as property rights activist Chuck Cushman. It turns out it was just a seasonably cool June day in the Woodland Bottoms.

The issue is whether the Army Corp of Engineers should intimidate a family of local farmers with the threat of eminent domain. The Corps want the Colf family to sell them some of their land for the purpose of either dumping spoils from dredging the Columbia shipping channel, or mitigating the damage that that dumping will do to wildlife habitat.

The issue is complex. The Corps, local port authorities and state government all have a role to play in the negotiations. At stake are wildlife habitat, local farmland and a shipping channel that serves the ports and which happens to serve apple and wheat farmers east of the mountains who would like to export more of their produce to Asia. It is a Machievellian dream. The opportunities to divide and conquer are nearly endless.

Mr. Cushman has weighed in on the issue in the past few weeks in editiorials and full page advertisements in the Battle Ground Reflector. He is urging voters to contact their Port Commissioners and voice their support for preservation of prime farm land and family farms. This is a first step with which we wholeheartedly agree.

Unfortunately, it appears to us from his most recent editorial that Mr. Cushman's interest is more in dividing and conquering, than in helping work toward a satisfactory solution to the matter.

Mr. Cushman would like to place the blame at Governor Gregoire's feet in an election year. He accuses Gregoire of not supporting farmers and supporting the use of eminent domain to take their land. He states, "If the ports don't use eminent domain, The Governor Gregoire will try to take the land and get the blame."

You see, the property rights movement supports the right of any landowners to do what they please on their land regardless of the consequences for other people or the environment, without interference from government. This movement is generously funded by large resource extraction companies who would like to be able to poison the ground and surface waters that farmers depend on to water their crops and livestock. They would allow mineral right owners to continue the practices of destroying the land of the surface owning farmers with minimal compensation, and without restoring the land to its former productive capacity.

So it doesn't surprise us that the goal here is to defeat a Governor who might control that activity, rather than work with that Governor to save farmland.

And so we offer Mr. Cushman this challenge. Engage the considerable resources of your organization toward working with the Corps, the ports, farm organizations and state government to find a workable solution to this problem. Do so and we will regard you as friend of the farmer. Refuse the challenge and at least these two humble farmers will continue to regard you as our lifelong opponent.

As for our fellow voters, we urge you to contact your port commissioners, Governor Gregoire, your Congressional delegation and President Bush and ask them to quit this kind of political game and sit down together to find a solution that will save wildlife habitat AND prime local farmland.

Diane & Jim Hunter
Hunter's Greens CSA

Jim Hunter's Back!

Here's an editorial piece sent to me by my favorite farmer/philosopher/activists, Jim & Diane Hunter of Hunter's Greens CSA. Give it a read...

This letter was submitted to the Battle Ground Reflector on June 16, 2008

Dear Editor,

Does property rights activist Chuck Cushman really want to save the family farm, or is he just playing an election year game of pin the "tale" on the donkey? His Colf Farm editorial (June 11) appears to suggest the latter: "If the ports don't use eminent domain, then Governor Gregoire will try to take the land and get the blame." Note that this strategy does nothing to solve the problem, but only re-assigns blame. As farmers, we aren't suprised by this shell game. The property rights movement has historically been generously funded by mining companies who seek to strip farmers' land of coal without restoring it to productivity, or threaten our livestock wells with cyanide from heap leach mines.To Mr. Cushman and his movement we offer the following challenge. Join the humble voters of our community and engage your considerable resources toward bringing together the Port Commissioners, the Governor, our Congressional Delegation and the President, who all share jurisdiction in this matter. Ask them to stop playing political games and find a solution that saves farmland AND wildlife habitat. A parcel of land can surely be both. After all, the first and only time these farmers have seen sandhill cranes was in another farmer's field in the Woodland Bottoms.With or without the property rights movement it is time for producers and consumers of local food to act now to save our precious farmland. Write your elected officials.

For more information on this issue visit or

Jim and Diane Hunter

Home Sewn Re-usable Grocery Shopping Bag Workshop

Home Sewn Re-usable Grocery Shopping Bag Workshop Sponsored by the Vancouver Food Cooperative
Date: Saturday, July 12th
Time: 1:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Clark County Genealogical Society,
717 Grand Boulevard, Vancouver
(one block south of Mill Plain, behind the International Air Academy)

Instructors: Barbara and Dotty of Columbia River Sewing, the Portland, Oregon, chapter of the American Sewing Guild.

Contact: Carol,

Required Materials: 3/4 yard of fabric/recycled cloth suitable for a carrying bag, 30-inch by 45-inch minimum size. Your fabric should be flat, ironed, for easy handling.

Optional Materials: Rulers/tapes, scissors, pins, sewing machine Skill Required: Beginners welcome Class size is limited to 20, so preregistration is required. There is no charge for this class. There will be some sewing machines provided for those who are not able to bring a machine. You are encouraged to bring your own if you wish to do so.

Beginner or expert, join us as we learn how to recycle cloth into a practical usable new item. Help the earth, eliminate plastic bags (and save that plastic tree!)

Vancouver Food Cooperative - Share the vision, buy a share

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Clark County Farm Tour This Weekend

Summer Solstice in the Country
June 21st, 10am-3pm
Brush Prairie, WA


Get out into the countryside. Visit three farms on a short loop through colorful Brush Prairie. Conveniently located between Vancouver and Battle Ground. Each farm showcases unique offerings:

Scented Acres, 360-921-9737, lavender and goats

Half Moon Farm, 360-514-9223, plants, honey, and chickens

Garden Delights, 360-892-4479, herbs, horses, and veggies

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vendors Wanted @ Battle Ground Farmers Market

Battle Ground Farmers Market has moved to our new surroundings at the Battle Ground Village. We are in the courtyard within the village and have room for more produce vendors! Pleasant upscale surroundings, not your typical venue. Directions-from East Main take a right on to Grace and a left onto Rassmussen, drive up two blocks in to the village and you will see the charming courtyard.

From 503 take a right (or left) onto 199th heading east, take a left on to Grace and a right on to Rassmussen, drive in two blocks to your right, and there is the courtyard. Hours 9-3 every Saturday through October 18th.

For more information see or call 360 576-9767

CSA Subscriptions Available

I am not in any way associated with the poster of this craigslist ad or the farm, just wanted to pass it along...

Organic CSA Opportunity (Vancouver)

Reply to:
Date: 2008-06-10, 9:13PM PDT

Hey everyone, there is a certified organic farm down in Sandy, OR who is offering a CSA opportunity for $105/month (just under $25/week) for the next three months (starting the first week in July). They will give you about a fruit crate's worth of veggies (some eggs and honey in the mid-season too!) every week (I was told to plan to be able to feed 2-3 people, but maybe more). You could take any extra organic veggies, eggs, or honey and save it for the winter, or give it to neighbors/friends/co-workers, etc.

The reason I have posted this ad is because they have agreed that if 5 people in Vancouver sign up, they will make a new drop point for us here in Vancouver over where Mill Plain crosses I-205. I have 3 people so far (including myself). You can contact Debbie or David at 503-320-2995 or for more information about the farm, and let me know if you want to sign up so I can coordinate the drop-off point here in Vancouver! I figure I'll be forced to eat healthier this way and save some money on eating out and buying organics at the same time.
Location: Vancouver
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Thursday, June 5, 2008

NW Redworms Composting Class (Vermicompost)

The folks at NW Redworms are hosting a vermiculture/verimicompost class. If you're interested in composting, dramatically improving the health of your garden or farm soil, and you can't hardly stand the thought of paying big buck for tiny bags of worm castings, then this is an excellent opportunity...AND IT'S ONLY $15!! If nothing else, I recommend that you at least check out the NW Redworms web site, peruse what might be the widest selection of worm bin compost containers available anywhere, and see what the fuss is all about.

Redworm Compost (Vermicompost) Class

I have enjoyed meeting many of my customers and now friends in the process of getting them started on composting. I have given many facility tours while answering questions, due to a lack of time I can no longer do that for each customer. So, I have created this class for those who want to: I will be posting additional information on my website under vermicompost class. Don't let springtime catch you unprepared for your gardening fun. Also check out the Giant pumpkin contest.

Learn about composting organic waste, types of compost, types of compost systems and how they work the use and benefits of composting and using redworms, soil biology, worm biology setting up a compost system, building up your compost and harvesting your product.

This Seminar will include approximately one hour of instruction, visual displays, handouts, a facility tour, and time for questions. About two hours total time. There is room for 10 adults (sorry no minors).

The meeting location will be at the "In The Woods Cat Chalet" at 806 NE 202 Ave, Camas WA 98607. The cost is $15 per person. If you wish to attend you may call (360-513-7251) or email to reserve your seat. Credit card payments are accepted through PayPal and by phone. Seats are paid for in advance (non refundable unless cancelled 3 days prior to class date or the class is cancelled).

I will be posting additional information on my website under vermicompost class. Don't let springtime catch you unprepared for your gardening fun. Also check out the Giant pumpkin contest.

Northwest Redworms
806 NE 202 Ave, Camas WA 98607
To go to our website to sign up follow this link

Meadow Tilth Farm Ad from Craigslist 6-3-08

Sorrel, Greek Oregano, Sunchokes, Asters flowering more - $1

(Near Costco and Home Depot)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-06-03, 11:51PM PDT

Our methods are organic*, almost biodynamic, permaculture. Healthy soil, remineralized, use filtered water for our garden. Compost and composted manure from organically fed chickens. Glacial rock dust for mineral enrichment/replenishment.

Blue grape Hyacinths. Perenial bulb $1 each
Sorrel - lovely perennial green that has a sour lemon flavor -- great for salads, green smoothies and sandwiches. small starts $2.00
Greek Oregano -- herb, small starts $1.00
Sunchokes 1-2 foot tall $3 each
Locust tree -- 15' tall in laarge pot - $80.00
Asters large bunch about 10" tall 2 years old.
Perennial bulbs $30

Parsnips in pots $2.00
Bare root parsnips dug fresh for you $1.00 each.Parsnips are edible roots, can be juiced and great when mixed with potatoes to mild them out. Parsnips also break up clay fairly well. If they are small or crooked then they may be woody. Let it go to seed and it will reseed itself. They are easy to weed out if you get too many the next year.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Sustainable Vancouver" Presentation TODAY!

The Vancouver Planning Commission Presents "Sustainable Vancouver"
A First Tuesday Presentation
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
4 to 6 p.m.
Vancouver City Hall, Council Chambers
210 E. 13th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660

The City of Vancouver and members of the Green Ribbon Panel will provide an overview of the City of Vancouver's Sustainability planning process; its Greenhouse Gas Inventory; a general overview of sustainability; its joint study with Clark County and the U.S. Green Building Council to identify Regulatory Barriers to Living Building Challenge standard residences (Beyond LEED Platinum); and upcoming Southwest Washington Sustainability Conference, Trade Show and GreenFest - July 10, 11, and 12th.

Intended only for informational purposes - No policy decisions will be made

Open to the Public

Please RSVP Terry Lenhart @ 360-487-7955

Replay Dates on CVTV Channel 21: Wednesday, June 4th, 10:00am; Thursday, June 5th, 7:00am; Tuesday, June10th, 7:00am Channel 23: Friday, June 6th, 2:00am; Wednesday, June 11th, 9:30pm